Hexagonoids: Asteroids on a Sphere
Creating a game using BabylonJS and H3 and publishing it on Vercel.
Creating a Yarn Monorepo in 2022
Setting up a productive monorepo with modern tooling.
Relaunching on Astro
Upgrading my blog from a very outdated version of Gastby to Astro.
Announcing fetch-actions
I am proud to announce the initial release of fetch-actions, a functional wrapper for fetch designed for integrating a remote API with a redux application.
Starting projects
I found myself needing to create lots of packages. I captured my notes for getting started on a new web package and getting it ready to publish to NPM.
Upgrading Gatsby to 1.0
The latest version of Gatsby was somewhat different from the pre-1.0 release. I upgraded my blog manually from the old version to the new one.
Enable linting: eslint
I implemented eslint to show linting errors in my editor while I worked on my blog.
Automatically deploying my blog with Travis
I configured Travis to test and deploy my blog every time I push new code to my master branch on Github.
Migrating the old site
I needed to move my old site to a new domain and replace it with my new blog.
First launch: Firebase
I relaunched my blog on Firebase Hosting. The free tier on Firebase is perfect for single page web apps, like my Gatsby blog.